Wednesday, December 9, 2009

29 years without John

Yesterday, December 8, the world complete 29 years without John Winston Ono Lennon, an English musician, singer-songwriter, and peace activist who became worldwide famous after, with some friends, found The Beatles. John, formed with Paul McCartney one of the best songwriting partnerships of the all time, resulting in the spectacular success of their band.

To The Quarrymen until The Beatles
In 1957 John with his best friend, Pete Shotton, and several school friends found The Quarrymen, a skiffle band. In July of this year, Lennon knew McCartney and invited him to join the band. Paul introduced George Harrison, and he had to insist with John for George to also join the band. Lennon thought Harrison was too young, but accepts.
The band changes its name four times before finally changing it to The Beatles in 1960. Over the years, Lennon’s school friends left the band and it became less skiffle and more rock n’ roll. In 1962 Ringo Starr replaced Pete Best, the older drummer, was formed de Fab Four.
They recorded around 25 studio albums and 2 live albums, won several silver, gold, platinum and diamond records, in country as: England, USA, Canada, Germany and Australia. One of their albums, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, is considered the greatest album of all time for many critics.

John relationship's and after Beatles
John married for the fist time with Cynthia Powell in 1962, in 1963 they had a child, Julian Lennon. But was in 1966 he knew his true love, Yoko Ono. They just beginning to have a loving relationship in 1968, Cynthia discovered and asked for the divorce. In 1969, John and Yoko marry. The others Beatles don’t like her, and it irritates the both parts. John and Paul begin to take different ways and in 1970 The Beatles ended.

Even before the end of The Beatles, John have already his solo career, with Yoko. After their marriage the realized the first “Bed-in for Peace” in Amsterdam, Bed-ins were press conferences for peace, held in a hotel bed, but it didn’t work a lot. Otherwise, in the second, in Montreal, they recorded the song "Give Peace a Chance" which later became an anthem for peace. In interviews he said doesn’t believe in Beatles and Jesus. He also said that Paul’s songs were made to play in elevators. In 1971, John gets success with the album Imagine.
1973 and 1974 were hard years, Yoko wanted a own time and John went to Los Angeles where he sank into alcohol abuse and repeatedly engaged in fights and confusion.
In the second half of 1974 John and Yoko returned to live together and in 1975 was born Sean Lennon. John left his career to focus on his family.
In 1980 Lennon recorded a new album, with his wife. “Starting Over" and "Woman" reached number one in the charts.


On the night of December 8, 1980 John was approached by Mark David Chapman who shot Lennon in the back four times. The murderer was arrested, because he remained in place, waiting for the police arrive. He was finally sentenced to life imprisonment and is still kept in a cell separate from other prisoners because of death threats he received.

Since then mankind is wait for a new hero.


Friday, December 4, 2009

REC - best thriller ever

I am not very used to watch movies, but one in particular caught my attention. Rec, an horror movie, tells the story of a reporter (Ángela) and a camera guy (Pablo) who goes to a fire station to record a routine night of the firefighters. They recieve a call from a building where the residents claim that an old woman is traped in her appartment. Two cops and two firefighters kicks the door and try to help her, when she suddenly bites a cop's neck and leaves him bleeding. The injuried policeman's partner and a firefighter tries to carry him outdoors, but the government had sealed the place, advising them their not allowed to leave because they're exposed to a biological agent and they must wait a sanitary agent to get inside. The night turns into a hell for everyone in the building.

If you like these kinds of movies which the enemies are the blood-thirsty dead people, then you must watch this masterpiece. It gives you the sensation of claustrophobia and achluophobia. It's full of gore and frights.

The most interesting of this film is that it was recorded with a single camera, held by a character. The intetion was to make the movie look like a report. And it really looks spontaneous.

Here's the spectators reactions.

The movie REC is Spanish. The Americans remade the movie and named it Quarentine.

In 2010 the sequence will be relased in Brasil. I searched for a more precise date, but diferent sources have given me diferent informations. One say it will be on January, other April, March and even October, so i'll just say it will be on 2010.

In the sequence, fifteen minutes have past since the government agents don't recieve comunication from people inside the building. They send a GEO (Grupo Especial de Operaciones, like a SWAT team of Spain) squad to see what's happening inside it.

There isn't much information about it, but a firing squad infers more action than the first movie. Here's a picture of it: