Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It’s decision time

The year is ending… And most students who are finishing high school want to enter a college. In the USA, some universities and colleges use tests like SAT, ACT and GRE. Otherwise, many colleges have rejected these standardized tests; they prefer to evaluate students through other means, such as the grades the student received in a previous school.
In Brazil, the entrance examination is known as Vestibular, each college usually has its own test. The government wants to unify this, with ENEM, the student wouldn’t need to make registration in several college tests.
But, are we, teenagers, prepared to face all this pressure? I don’t think so. A research made by Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2003, with 754 teenagers - vestibulandos and pré-vestibulandos (how students who will take vestibular are called) brought out that 43% of them showed stress symptoms. Young people with stress have been related in different places, like the USA., Turkey, Pakistan, Japan, Sweden, France and South Africa. Some consequences are: low self-esteem, eating disorders, clinical depression, homicide, suicide, antisocial behavior, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and drug abuse.

All these disorders can be avoided with parents' support, giving theirs sons and/or daughters affection and safety. The parents can’t force a child to become an adult of a sudden. Each thing has its time.
As Jim Morrison would say “Time to live / Time to lie / Time to laugh / Time to die / Take it easy, baby / Take it as it comes”.
