Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This time, we have chosen to write about a famous park founded in 1973 . The name of the park is ‘Ibitipoca’, which actually means cleft in the mountain range. It is located
in the city of Lima Duarte near Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais.
The first inhabitants in the area were the Aracis Indians. They lived in the caves on the mountains, where travelers also settled down when they were passing through the state.
The forest reserve includes several natural attractions like the natural pools, look-out points, waterfalls, caves, ‘beaches’ and mountain peaks, which attract almost two thousand tourists a week.
The fauna and flora have a lot of diversity. There are more than 800 plant species that include bromelias, orchids, lichens, albertina and ferns. Ibitipoca Park has not only
plants, but also a wide variety of animals like the maned wolf, vinaceous-mountain lion, biscutate swift, masked titi monkey, breasted parrot, black howler monkey, silvery monkey, coati.
Some wonderful places to visit are: the 'Caminho das Águas', which has a variety of attractions such as ‘Cachoeira dos Macacos’; ‘Prainha’, with clear, cold water from ‘Rio do Salto’; ‘Lago dos Espelhos’, with water that reflects the sunshine; ‘Ponte de Pedra’, a particular landscape - a huge tunnel that was dug by the force of water; ‘Janela do Céu’, a drop of 20 meters from ‘Rio Vermelho’.
We absolutely recommend this park, because it is a must-see if you are in Minas Gerais. Beautiful, immune and idyllic nature, it will be an unforgettable experience for your inner adventurer.
